Friday 15 October 2010

Dream Machines.

There are many existing product out their that induce lucid dreams.
         The nova dream mask is one of them, invented by Stephen LaBerge after a decade of research.
The dream mask detects when you are in REM sleep by sending the dreamer a cue, by means of lights or sound. This makes it much easier for the individual to detect when they are dreaming, allowing them to become conscious in dreams and eventually lucid.

Stephen LaBerge's , Nova Dream Machines.

A video about this product.

Brion Gysim's , Dream machine.

The dream machene consists of a metal cylinder with slits cut in the side. Rotating 45 times a second, a strong bulb in the middle allows light to flicker outward causing visual stimuli relaxing the mind sending the viewer into an almost dream like hypnotic state.

Short video of an installation, showing the motion of the machene.

Luke Jerram, Dream Director.

An art instalation in which 20 people per night were invited to sleep in an art gallery in specialy constructed pods.
Below is a video in which the results of the experiment are revealed. It was found that everyone had a very similar dream.

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