Friday 15 October 2010

Sleep Paralysis and how lucid dreams can help.

My focus of research is not Sleep Paralysis, however I have found many acounts that suggest that lucid dreams can help sufferers.
        This could be a focus for me, my product could be aimed at people that suffer from Sleep Paralysis. And used as a solution to a problem?

What is Paralysis ?
        When we sleep our brain releases a chemical aseatle coleen this paralyses our body, as a safety mechanism so we don't act out our dreams. Some people wake up during this process they have the terrifying experience of being completely conscious but unable to move.
        This fear can open the darkest doors of our subconscious allowing the sufferer to experience gools and alien abductions.

Below is a vivid account of a Paralysis sufferer.

      If an individual could control their dreams could they make this into a positive experience by changing the dream
or facing the Demond that hounds them.
    I believe that by increasing awareness people can begin to change their dream cycles. By using the same processes that implant these terrifying images into our subconscious mind. 

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