Wednesday 20 October 2010

What is design for print. Typography Workshop 3

The first task of the workshop was to communicate our chosen proverb to guide the eye around the page. To do this we had to be carefully consider the weight of the text, placement, point size, case size and hierarchy.                                                                                                                                
The next exercise was to analyse the above poster based on the same principles we had used in the previous exercise.
We had to recognise were the eye was being directed and why. For me the eye is directed firstly to Less Kellett, this is the first and most important piece of information that the designer want his audience to see first. The fighters name in this case carries the event. This is done by the order of the text and a simple use of colour.
In my opinion the eye is guided around the page in the below order.

1. Less Kellett
2. Klondike Jake
4. Victoria hall
5. Bobby Ryan
6. Alan Denielson
All other information follows.

What I find unusual about this poster is that an important piece of information is overlooked the date. This to me is of equal importance to the location yet the dominance of its red frame distracts the eye from this. I suppose this demonstrates the power of colour in design.

In this next exercise we experimented with a body of text. We had to fit this text into the columns by increasing the leading. After this we had to distiquish which was most readable for a leaflet format. It was agreed that 10pt on 14 leading ( second from the left ) was easiest to read once printed.

The last exercise was to make type fit exactly into the columns but by not increasing the point size as seen in column 2, just taking away all the breaks in the text. ( seen in col 3 )

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