Thursday 14 October 2010

Mnemonic Induction of lucid dreams MILD technique.

I now know that dreams are very visual and play out based on what you may of seen or thought of during the day. So if we think about dreams enough during the day then based on fact we will start to dream about dreams and this could open the door to lucid dreaming?

I have found there are various there are various tried and tested techniques that can aid lucid dreaming.
These are tried and tested methods that approach the subject from a variety of interesting angles.

Mnemonic Induction of lucid dreams: How to preform the MILD technique. 

Created by lucidity expert Dr Stephen LaBerger, MILD is the easiest lucid dream method. The technique basically enhances the dreamers awareness and sets the intention to lucid dream. MIlD works more effectively with the combined use of a dream journal. Based on fact dreams are all about what we think and see during our conscious state. So if we put dreams to the front of our mind then sooner or later we will dream about dreams, this in brief is the underlining principle of MILD.

1. Perform Reality Checks.
So question the world around you, ask yourself questions such as am i in a dream? Do i know this place? Then answer these questions this constant analysis of self and your environment will enable you to define the real world and the dream world. Reality check can also be as simple as checking your hands at regular intervals in the real world they will be normal nothing will happen but in the dream world an irregularity almost always occurs, this could be an extra finger etc. The more you do these checks during the day the more likely you are to come across them in a dream. This can trigger a eureka moment when you see recognise these signs in a dream and the irregularity occurs your conscious will recognise your dreaming and open the door to a new world.


2. Set the intention to have a lucid dream.
This is a simple suggestion to your subconscious, before you go to bed say to yourself "tonight i will lucid dream " or "the next dream will be a lucid dream". This should be said will a determination and real belief for it to be granted by your conscious. Language is very important the use of positive termination such as "I will".

I found these videos incredibly useful, they are a series of 10 seminars by the creator of the MILD technique Dr Stephen LaBerger.

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