Thursday 14 October 2010

Tips on lucid dreaming..

Inform yourself
This is a simple technique kind of self explanatory. Throughout the day and before you go to bed tell yourself i am going to lucid dream. Research shows that such brain instruction boost the odds of you doing so.

Set Alarm
Set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual. Very similar to the WBTB technique this puts you straight into your most active REM period. This makes you 20 to 50 percent more likely to control your dream.

Take a min
Give yourself a min before you get up to recall your dreams, this moment of reflection will help you better remember them.

Time shifts
Be aware that time jumps in dreams and is never logical. In a dream use this as a dream sign ask yourself what have i been doing over the last 10 mins and how did i get to this place, if you cant answer them your in a dream.

Don't drink alcohol
Just like in real life you may have done something but you cant remember it as a result of alcohol. This is exactly the same as dreams alcohol will disrupt your dream pattern enabling you to remember them.

Go to bed early
Not to early maybe half an hour before your usual time. This is simply because the more tired you are the less focused you will be in your various dream exercise before you go to bed, and the more tired you will be in the morning this damaging your dream recall.

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