Thursday 14 October 2010

Wake to bed WBTB technique.

WBTB is a cycle adjustment technique with immediate results. It is great for beginners, and many report to have had many multiple conscious dreams. It involves three simple steps to gaining greater lucidity in dreams.

STEP ONE - Go to bed as normal and allow yourself to sleep for six hours. Set your alarm clock or have another early riser wake you up.
STEP TWO - After six hours, get out of bed and fully wake yourself up. Find something to occupy your brain to make you alert. Read about lucid dreaming if you want to stay focused on the subject. Stay alert for 20-60 minutes. (Hint: you must get out of bed!)
STEP THREE - Go back to bed and relax. If your mind is too alert, practice meditation, generally calm the mind. Use your visualisation skills and think about your next lucid dream as you fall asleep.
WBTB works because by waking up at this time you stimulate your conscious brain at a time it would normally be experiencing REM, this in turn enhances your awareness within the dream.

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