Thursday 14 October 2010

Understanding our Dreams is the key to realising them.

When we sleep our brain is effectively organising and filing information that we have received throughout the day and filtering this through our subconscious mind. This information can be anything something we have seen thought or learned. Our brain absorbs then edits this information storing it away making it accessible later to our conscious mind.

            Your subconscious mind receives information much quicker than your conscious so this is where the real potential of dreams can be realised. Dreams are all about now, whats happening at the moment any thought you have if it be a momentary thought is imprinted on your subconscious before it even becomes an issue of any relevance in your waking world. So if we can understand our dreams we can effectively solve problems before they present themselves to us.
         If we look at our own personal dreams using simple points of entry, then we can begin to understand how dreams work. A dream is almost always about some event that occurred the day before this can be something we acted out we saw or simply thought of, fear, anxiety an unresolved issue can play out in a complex world with no apparent substance. This however is far from true we can resolve our problems by simply learning the language within them. Although this may not appear to be clear at first the more we think about dreams and record them the more we start to see patterns this in turn boost our awareness.
 Looking at my personal dream.
I believe you will achieve something if you put it to the front of your mind. I started to record my dreams instead of ignoring them i applied some basic self analysis and began to look at dreams differently by asking myself some leading questions. I found that from one question i was able to find more. Along with constantly comparing the events of my day with that of the dream if you look closely they start to match.
Basic Dream analysis.
1. Ask yourself what did i do yesterday, where was i who was i with what did i watch etc, this could be ANYTHING that featured in that day. Then relate this to the dream, so i.e does that person feature in the dream? Always remember, that person or place does not have to be a direct representation, they can appear symbolically in i a dream i.e if that person is dependant on you they mite show up as a baby!

2.  The next step is to establish the feeling of the dream how you felt in that dream scared, relaxed, anxious etc. Or how the person makes you feel or the place.

3. Key Words. Reflect on the dream, write down the first words that come to your head. Then reflect the same way on the previous i.e the person you thought of. Think fast shout out write down the first thoughts the key words you associate with both.

4. Reflection keep relating back to the dream constantly compare the dream and the day. You may find there are certain issues you have that are represented in the dream. Remember dreams are visual representations, they have no clear form.

My dream...
                   I went for the day to the beach i drove there in my Nissan Micra. When it as time to leave i went back to my car there was an identical car parked next to it. I knew which car was mine but in my curiosity i tried my key in the other car and to my shock it opened. I got in the car and sat down inside, it was much nicer than mine with better seats and a more plush dash board. It was also a 1.4 mine was a 1 litre. Before i knew it i was driving this car back home leaving mine where it was. On the drive home i was always thinking "what will my dad say about this, what will his reaction be, what would he do in this situation". I thought up a solution to the problem that i would tell him that i did not realise i was driving the wrong car till i got near home and by this time it was too late. While i was driving i found the acceleration of the car really thrilled me but the breaks did not work so well and this late stopping scared me. Anyway i got home went in the house my dad said nothing he just got in the car and drove it into a wall.

Applying the techniques mentioned previously i was able to find some logic.

I asked myself what i had done the day before the truth was not much the only stand out memory was that i had watched Darren Brown's hero a three thousand miles, this program was all about a guy that took no risks and therefor had an uneventful life. 
             This guy reminded me in part about myself, whilst watching the program a distinctly remember a moment of personal reflection, i thought to myself i need to take more risks. This key word was the trigger to realising my dream. Me taking the other Micra was me actively taking a risk by taking this risk i got the rewards that came with it the 1.4 engine the luxurious interior. I drove the car home thought nothing of it and risk felt good. The fact the car was fast and exciting was everything i like about the idea of risk but the breaks were a constant reminder of my overriding fear that i might lose control. 
             The very reason i was thinking about my dad this whole time is because he is part of the reason i don't take risks he always looks at the worst case scenario so him getting into the car and driving it into the wall he was reminding me of what could have happened.

The above is not directly relevant to the subject of lucid dreaming but, demonstrates an important point. This being the only way to actively lucid dream is by putting the idea of dreams to the front of the mind. This conscious awareness and understanding of dreams is key.

A short tutorial on how to decode dreams I found this really useful in my research.

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