Thursday 14 October 2010

Wake Induced Lucid dreams. WILD technique.

WILD is the oldest lucid dream technique and was practiced by Tibertan Monks over a thousand years ago. Effective use of the technique can generate highly vivid dreams. Basicly the aim of WILD is to fall asleep whils concious. It is a hynagonic process and requires an element of meditation.

The best time to practice WIlD is after 4 to 5 hours of NREM sleep. So wake up early set an alarm this is important because early in the morning some time before you awake this is when your REM cycles become longer.

1. Relax your body and mind.

Close your eyes and lie on your back. Take three deep breaths in and out. Feel your body sinking into the bed, and let go of all the tension in your muscles. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation, and focus on your intention to control your dreams.
Allow any thoughts to pass you by, without interacting with them. Keep your body totally relaxed and still. Repeat over in your mind: "One. The next scene will be a dream. Two. The next scene will be a dream. Three..." etc. This will set your intention and keep your mind alert while your body slowly drifts back to sleep. 
2. Observe Hypnogogic Imagery.
After 5-10 minutes you will see hypnagogic imagery. This is the beginning of the dream state! Blobs of colour will swirl around behind your closed eyelids. Observe it if you like, but also be aware of other sensations beyond your field of vision. Let your inner voice go quiet. As the dream state deepens, you will be aware of voices and sounds. This is normal - they are coming from inside your own head. Hold on to this state of blissful relaxation, while focusing on your intention to recognise the dream state when it occurs. 
3. Fall asleep Consciously.
Remember you are tricking your body to fall asleep consciously. So hold on to that thin strand of conscious awareness as your mind goes deeper. This is the great secret of meditation. It is not easy at first, but practice makes perfect.
When your body falls asleep, you may hear a loud vibrating or humming sensation in your head. It's exciting at first, and may ruin your early attempts at the WILD technique. This is the point of transition: from waking to the dream state. If you try to move now, you may find your body has naturally entered sleep paralysis. This is normal and occurs every time you go to sleep - you just aren't usually aware of it. It's a weird sensation but nothing to worry about. Most people don't even notice this state when practicing Wake Induced Lucid Dreams.
4.Enter the Lucid Dream.
At this point your mind is aware but your body is asleep you can mould the world around you.

This form of lucid dreaming can be easier if the dreamer
has an understanding of meditation this inner self control
will keep the conscious mind at bay.

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