Saturday 5 March 2011

Re Writing the Brief...

If I had to use two words to describe the brief I would say wishy washy. When we read through it together we both made the observation that the people writing the brief were not sure what the problem actually was, although it wasn't the worst we looked at it seemed to trail off at tangents at times. As I read through the brief I found the most comical part were that Green and Black's want a marketing campaign that gives new customers a motivating reason to trade up with their brand ahead of others. They then go on to say, " while we want to broaden the appeal of Green and Black's , It must maintain its premium nature and not dumb down" this is the best part " let people come to us! ". So they want new customers but their to pompous and elite to go out there roll up their sleeves and grad peoples attention of course there to good to do that how preposterous they might have to deal with the common sort that buy kit kats and boost bars.

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