Friday 15 October 2010

Designing dreams?

This is a collection of ideas based around the principle of design. In this blog I am asking myself questions that I will later put to the test.
      If we can design images and products that influence the way we think and feel. Then can these principles be applied to the dream world and effect us in the same way?

If... I show someone a picture of a rabbit then will they dream of rabbits?

Then if i show them a picture of a field will they dream of rabbits in a field?

Below, are some of my early thought processes.

So... If I put the two together, could I make the rabbits subliminal?
This is a simple image I created could this work?

Does size matter?
If i changed the size of the rabbit or its positioning on the page will this effect the dream?

      If the rabbit was really Big will this mean in the dream there are massive killer rabbits? Or if the rabbits are small then will this mean they are less important in the dream and no longer the central theme?
large !
Here are some original notes on size analysis.

Does this make a difference in our dreams? So if i were to show the viewer a colour how would this effect their dream?
Would they dream about this colour?

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