Saturday 5 March 2011

Solving the Problem...

We initially looked at the brief thinking the immediate problems were about the branding and the packaging, however after closer inspection I believe the problem lies elsewhere. looking over the brief again and combining research into how the company works products packaging promotions, I have found certain gaps that need filling. I believe I have identified some valid points In pinning down exactly what it is G&B actually need in order to pull in those new customers.

           From the brief it is clear that they want a marketing campaign that is sophisticated and appropriate to the product something that does not alienate the existing customer by straying too far from the ethos of the company but is at the same time fresh and fun to draw the attention of a new generation of buyers. I feel like they want to be daring and adventurous but are scared to lose what they have to me this stifles their imagination and results in their product almost becoming stale. We need to design something that is fun and daring enough to appeal to both.

           Our initial ideas were to make packaging that was organic in its process and material, but through  research I have found that this is already covered. So changing the packaging is also not an option although personaly I feel this should be toned down a little so it calls out to a broader range of people.
           So in my opinion the packaging is not the biggest problem at the end of the day G&B is a premium chocolate and in that respect it does its job being entirely appropriate. More than this I feel that the company is very traditional in its values therefor a complete turn around in their branding or packaging would be too big a change. I don't even think the organic side is important what is important to them is selling more chocolate and getting people to buy into their brand.
            To me the problem is they don't sell themselves, looking over the brief their unique selling points are not just their organic ingredients but the fact that in a bar of G&B you get more co co bean, so more chocolate. With this you get a richer quality chocolate and a unique taste, for me this is the most interesting point. The unique taste is created by the fact that G&B source their ingredients they use the finest quality beans as well as a greater variety, this means there is a fusion of flavours that makes a more varied taste experience. To me they need to show this off, tempting people to take a leap of faith and try for themselves.
             For me this could be achieved across a broad section of media, i.e. a viral advert or tv, promotional events i.e taster days etc. Or a new product range i.e a smaller bar etc....

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