Sunday 22 November 2009

Part 2 What is Graphic Design- Part 2:Visual Image and Type.

graphic design plagiarism (7).jpg
This is a simple a poster to advertise and give exposure to the artist james brown.
It is a great example of how type can be manipulated to form image. the image demonstrates
how type can be minipulated and distorted to great effect. There is a simple use of colour
and what i find most interesting is the fact such a complicated image in its construction never
 loses sight of its purpose and function.

This image plays so well with how people view graphic images as very ridged in
there construction and precise. I love how simple contrast and marks have been
put together that don't necessarily look like a city but in this simple suggestive manner
this conclusion is reached by the audience.

This g demonstrates how visually engaging type can be and its huge
potential in design if used correctly. The use of colour is particularly
effective this gives the g a softer edge and brings out the shape more
effectively. It almost views typography as shape.

This logo demonstrates perfectly how letters can be represented as image and
still give the same message. The message is instantaneous and is prime example
 of how we all respond to image and how simple pictograms are universally
 recognized and understood in ways that are more visually engaging.

This is the logo for the band Maroon 5 It uses the main letter that is
 iconic to the bands title and the second part the 5 by manipulating
the join in the M without losing its legibility to represent 5.
Colour is used to great effect to brake up the 2 parts,

This image demonstrates how suggestive design can be and how open a design can be to interpretation.
Conclusions can be drawn from many levels meanings can be made by the individual and this can make
debate which i believe to be great design that gets the audience talking.
I love the fact that this design could be deep and meaningful as much as
it could just be an artistic composition.

This design is clear reference to how marks and colours can be layered simply to create
 a composition that is neither typography or image.

This design is deep and meaningful it is relevant in its meaning and
classical in its design it gives a clear visual communication and never
 strays from the point its is a fantastic merge if 2 images using
relevant colour.

This image makes information interesting it compares itself to old methods such as reams of horrible text.
It gives it simply and with impact. there is good use of imagery in symbolic form and interesting alignment
of text that draws the eye in.

I love surrealist design the fact that this makes you uneasy makes you want to look at it more
it has heavy impact and attempts to mix the natural form with machine.

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