Sunday 22 November 2009

What is graphic design-Part 2:Interpreting images of the present, past and a range of cultures.

This image is clearly communicating the role that woman can have in a war
effort it shows clear determination all values that a country needs to
win a conflict. Its saying woman can make the difference. It wants to instill
a sense of pride and determination in woman.

This is clear persuasive propaganda playing on peoples guilt.
It glorifies the army as the place to be it gives people one
option and makes the other utterly unacceptable.

The message is clear and to the point with simple use of
colour. It is making a valid point for the greater good
that rationing is a necessary scarifies for the greater good.
Its all about togetherness and is a simple and effective example
of how image and type can be used to great effect.

The image is aiming at perfection putting hitler in an almost god
 like image a leader for his people he carries his flag for all with
ritechesness and determination. The painting is an image of hope
 for people of its time of strith.

This image plays with peoples emotions of the time its
clearly glorifying war and suggesting that such commitment
to your country will bring with it benefits.

This image is mocking democracy using an iconic
figure in stalin its suggesting that votes are
useless and that politicians in there own self importance
 would not leave there country in the hands of chance.

This image exposes the truth of war its reality.
It exposes the trap of war by using the very
 figure that promotes it.

The image is stating something about the american attitude
and view of the world its selfishness and inconsiderate nature.
It is almost asking people to reflect on there actions.

A controversial message is being portrayed the image and text
together is questioning the use of woman in the army and perhaps
 hinting that we should be doing more to strike fear into the hearts
of our enemies.

This image is a new one that is reminding people of an olds foe.
It is aimed at americans and democracy and suggesting that
illegal downloads are the equivalent of inviting communism.

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