Sunday 22 November 2009

What is graphic design-Part 2:Communicating a message to an audience.

Signs are very often the best methods of communication they give an
immediate message in there shape and colour.
This image is unique in the fact that it does not require the audience to
see the text or the colour the shape means one thing stop.

This billboard is bringing the big debate to the mass public religion. It is an image that categorizes people into a
debate not just about god but about a massive and current issue gay relations.

This is a clear use of image to convey a clear message that the economist is the man
with the idea.

I love this image it is simple text against a background that compliments. It is almost
giving an after thought perhaps playing on peoples guilt.
There is nothing else interfering with the image it is clear against the sky the effect is
there is nothing else in the audiences head.

Pictograms are very frequently used to communicate a message to an audience.
This pictogram uses simple shape and signs to give people a message
to exit the man is slanted to communicate haste and the rectangle only being a
rectangle is visualized as a door.

Simple shape can be used to communicate on many different
levels although these images are mere shapes they state gender

This sign is effective in its simplicity it gives a clear instruction
and communicates children crossing in an effective way.
The sign communicates its message but has power in its
message by strong use of colour to draw the eye.

This is giveing a siple message that safe sex is nessisary and the dangers
of unprotected sex. The simple use of contast and lighting gives the
images great focus. The images are designed to discust and repulse people.
Unprotected sex is poison it kills symbolised in the creatures in each advert.

This is a classic example of using an iconic image to prompt people into action to make them realize
and pay attention. This is effectively giving a message to americans to listen listen respect
uncle Sam's wishes stop smoking.

A political image that is communicating that new ideas are not always great. The image has been
manipulated to make a happy face one of danger and message to effectively portray the message
being told in the text within the image.

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